Mitch Weisbrod

Results 9 comments of Mitch Weisbrod

Thanks for the kind words! To write a value to a specific DMX address, you can use the `dmx_write slot()` function. Example code would look something like this: ``` dmx_write_slot(dmx_num,...

Hmmmm. You would also need to install the DMX driver and set the driver to writing mode. Do you mind sharing your code? Or have you tried modifying the [DMXWrite.ino](

Thanks for the example code! I uploaded it to my ESP32 and it is running exactly how I would expect it to. I plugged the ESP32 into an oscilloscope and...

Closing this due to lack of activity. Let me know if I can help with anything else!

Thank you for the message. It appears the issue is that the version of Arduino that you are using is unsupported. You must use Arduino-ESP32 v2.0.3 or newer. Follow the...

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I've been keeping an eye on ESP-IDF v5 for a while - I am aware that this library won't build on it yet,...

The only consideration I can think about for Arduino is that, as far as I am aware, CMake does not work when using the Arduino IDE. All conditional building must...

Update on this: I was able to add functions in [dmx_context.h]( so that there are function that control the hardware timer. The functions call the appropriate hardware timer API depending...

Just as an update on this - I actually decided to remove the functions in `dmx_context.h` in favor of calling the timer API directly. I've found that helps improve performance...