Additional entry from log: `2024-01-05 23:03:21.609 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohue.v2[].scene] Unable to parse resource, please report this to the authors of aiohue. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohue/v2/controllers/", line 194,...
Same issue here, after HA restart sometimes this integration has not setup correctly. My current environment: Core 2023.12.3 Supervisor 2023.12.0 Operating System 11.2 Frontend 20231208.2 My current manual "workaround" is...
Ich kann den Bug bestätigen. Nutze v3.1.8 in Verbindung mit dem Fully Kiosk Browser. Teilweise werden die Secondary States (in HomeKitTiles) nicht aktualisiert, auch bei Änderung des Primary States bzw....
@ogajduse , I'm also having problems to get images from these two feeds. I tried latest v2.0b6. [](url) - img link is part of summary, but not set as "image"...