Máté Solymosi
Máté Solymosi
The local development server spawned by `docsify serve` listens on all interfaces by default. This might be a security concern when working on an insecure local network. This PR restricts...
It's simple to fix in lib/synthesis/asset_package_helper.rb: ``` sources.collect {|source| javascript_include_tag(source, options) }.join("\n").html_safe ``` ... and ... ``` sources.collect { |source| stylesheet_link_tag(source, options) }.join("\n").html_safe ```
Given: * the latest version (7.0.0) of `express-prom-bundle` * `includePath` set to `true` in the options * a request with the following path: `//%5Cfoo.bar:[email protected]` Then: * in `normalizePath.js` the call...