I am in same boat: over 3'000 files in root /media folder of DokuWiki made Media Manager simply unusable because of slow load time. Ironically, the only function I **actually**...
On Orgzly side #+FILETAGS is kinda covered by b.bookname Orgzly agenda queries. But on org-mode side, the #+FILETAGS remains one of easiest ways of quickly excluding agenda files from the...
Current version of Orgzly now supports repeating plain text timestamps! Just add something like `` or `` in the text of your emacs node. Then make an Orgzly search like...
OK, upon further reflection there are still use cases requiring sexp agenda support. Some things indeed happen 'each second monday'. So the issue is re-opened, although I would see implementation...
How about more complicated cases, like "every last Friday" of every second month? Is this supported? On October 27, 2019 5:16:53 PM GMT+01:00, Dmitrii Gerasimov wrote: >Ran into [org-recur](, new...
I am running [PostmarketOS]( on [PinePhone]( PostmarketOS being derivative of Alpine Linux, the PureMaps package I run was installed from [Alpine package repository]( Does it clarify?
I guess there would be a limited number of people willing to change their system font to large before each drive and then change it back to normal afterwards? Any...
The information is actually already in the map, you just need to warn the user when approaching these points during car navigation: As long as this is disabled by...
Just re-tested with latest app version. With cyanogenmod 11 still no problem with folder selection. With Android 4.2.2 (Replicant build) - still app crashes when I either try choosing...
Creation of /storage/emulated/0/SyncOrg made no difference. App still crashes of folder selection attempt. Strange?