Antti Soininen
Antti Soininen
It is possible to add empty rows to Parameter value, Parameter definition and Entity alternative tables just by double-clicking all the cells but not entering any data. When the last...
1. Start DB editor with empty database. 2. Add two new entity classes, A and B 3. Select A, then B. Observe that the `entity_class_name` cell in the parameter and...
Skipping rows is broken. Example data: ___ alt1 alt2 alt3 S1 Base
We can deduce the file extension from tool type in Tool Specification editor. This can be fed to the new file dialog when creating source code files to make the...
It is currently not possible to rename source files in Tool specification. This could be done by e.g. a context menu action with a shortcut. Note, that double clicking currently...
- [ ] Take new screenshots - [ ] Fix links to SpineOpt tutorials (Two hydro plants and Case study A5 lead to 404) - [ ] The Toolbar now...
Specifications/plugin paths may point to non-existent locations after a project has been manually copied from one location to another.
Now merger just copies all input data to the target database overwriting everything and creating classes, scenarios etc.. Perhaps there could be an option to merge certain item types only...
If a Tool knows which command line arguments are required (see #2948), it could also give those arguments descriptive names so users know e.g. which resource to drag and drop...