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### What happened? Logseq-win-x64-0.8.8.exe Usually, the number of block ref will be displayed on the right side of the block, However, if there are many block on a page, you...


比如应用的尺寸是800x480像素 生成的web应用在手机浏览器上只能显示其中一部分 而且没有滚动条,无法拖动或缩放,可能与手机的高DPI有关系 在电脑上如果DPI是100%,如果浏览器窗口太小是可以有滚动条的

调试后发现是下面这个函数的问题,dpi=2造成后面assets.find找不到资源 建议做一个兼容修改,优先找x2的图片,如果找不到就找 x1的图片 另外我试验了一下,如果强制 let dpi = '/x1/',图片可以显示,但还是保持图片的原始大小 ``` AssetsManager.getImage = function (name) { let anydpi = '/xx/'; let dpi = '/x‘ + TBrowser.getDevicePixelRatio() + ’/'; const assets = g_awtk_assets['image'];...

I used the Windows environment to compile iwasm.exe for testing, and when the debugging feature is enabled during compilation, compared to no debugging feature the program runs very slowly. After...

source debugger