Soham Railkar

Results 11 comments of Soham Railkar

I have modified this method to take input bitmap `JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_org_wysaid_nativePort_CGENativeLibrary_cgeFilterImage_1MultipleEffects (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jobject bmp,jobject bmp1, jstring config, jfloat intensity) { CGETexLoadArg texLoadArg; texLoadArg.env = env;...

Actually, my friend/developer, who is image processing guy, has written some algorithm in opencv which takes some sequence of images and processes them. to make his algorithm faster, he developed...

@AkkiSony no , I used ncnn and tflite frameworks for my requirements at that time. But it seems tengine is more stable now

thats fair. @pedroSG94 this given library gives method to record video via ffmpeg . I think I need to explore more in this direction to get h264 data .

@ragavendranbala can you share the android implementation

Hello, Did you got any improvement on this. I am facing the same issue

@Z-Jeff I did not debug it further. You can check blazeface pytorch implementation if looking for face detector

@CainKernel can you provide any lead or direction for this issue

did you find ny lead @katyperry13 ?