Sohail Reddy
Sohail Reddy
Hi @serizba , Great point!! I updated the `tensor::get_data()` to use `tensor::get_raw_data(size_t &size)`. Had to make some more changes since we need to know the size of the pointer to...
Understood, I updated it to remove the exceptions. The update shouldn't affect performance much and it should be faster to use Ipopt's xnew rather than recomputing the norm/checking equivalence outside...
Thanks for taking care of this @serizba Any idea when it'll make it into the main branch? We have some projects that would like to use it
It won't work with multi-dimensional vector/array as inputs. You would need to create a single vector containing all the elements of the multi-dim. vector (or tensor) and then pass the...
Instead of `MFEM_USE_FLOAT` can we do something like? ``` #if MFEM_PRECISION == 16 #warning "MFEM_PRECISION NOT SUPPORTED, USING MFEM_PRECISION=64 (double)" typedef double fptype; #elif MFEM_PRECISION == 32 typedef float fptype;...
There may be another way to allow mixed prec.. Its not as flexible as templating but wouldn't/shouldn't need as large of a code change. We could have a struct of...