@dougwilson Thank you for feedback. you are right. I will change hasBody to return false if request is OPTIONS, TRACE, CONNECT, HEADor GET method.
I dig in http/2 rfc next week and implement this.
> So to know if there is a body in http/2 you would say "will this steam send data frames?" and it seems that answer would be yes for the...
I dig in nodejs code and found parameter that indicate already get `end stream flag`. When Nodejs get `end stream flag` with HeaderFrame, Nodejs push null in order to end...
@dougwilson I addressed review comment. I think this is good for now. 👍
Yes, I already make the issue. See also
I fix PR to use []( released on node 10.11.
ping @dougwilson
> One of the comments in the PR is HEAD with http2 does not support response body but I'm not sure what that means -- the test is not trying...
@dougwilson Thank you telling me that. I made PR for superagent. I added same change here.