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🔌 ✨rustlang hyper bindings for local unix domain sockets

Results 21 hyperlocal issues
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👋 I'm looking at using this logic as part of my own HTTP Client, and I was hoping to get access to the `UnixStream` type: . The main reason i'm...

I am using hyperlocal and hyper-tungstenite to have a websocket over UDS. For a client to access such websocket I currently proxy the websocket to localhost with something like `socat...

There have been a couple of small quality-of-life improvements since the previous release. What I am personally interested in is the compilation time reduction in the main branch over 0.8....

Requests made via hyperlocal have a `Host` header with a hostname of the "fake" socket URL, rather than the original hostname of the URL being wrapped, e.g. ``` Host: 2f7661722f666f6c646572732f31332f633839683062316e376e64326c7432733433675f64765f3830303030676e2f542f2e746d706265417941472f746573742e736f636b:0...

Adds documentation for the switch to the `client` and `server` features now being opt-in, rather than enabled by default (see #54). I experimented with also enabling the nightly-only `doc_cfg` /...

The macro simplifies the gating of multiple items behind a feature.

Hi there! I'm making some good use of this adapter to integrate hyper HTTP client connections with some upgrading to WebSockets via tungstenite and while creating my wrapper client I...

_Dependabot Preview will be shut down on August 3rd, 2021. In order to keep getting Dependabot updates, please merge this PR and migrate to GitHub-native Dependabot before then._ Dependabot has...


It asks you to use `hyperlocal::server::Server::new`, but that's been removed: https://docs.rs/hyperlocal/0.6.0/hyperlocal/server/struct.Server.html