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🔌 ✨rustlang hyper bindings for local unix domain sockets

Results 21 hyperlocal issues
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I'd like to be able to use the lower level api for servers as is described in this source code comment: https://github.com/softprops/hyperlocal/blob/master/src/server/mod.rs#L163-L207 Below i added a main function for that...

There's no way to get Futures from incoming connections. Plain old hyper uses this kind of code: ``` let s = Server::bind(&addr.parse().unwrap()) .serve(new_service) .map_err(|e| eprintln!("server error: {}", e)); hyper::rt::run(s); ```...

It's really not intuitive to require users to remove this file themselves. Also not intuitive ux when stopling and starting servers

Happy to see this crate integrate with the latest Hyper release in https://github.com/softprops/hyperlocal/pull/65 . This is working well with my testing. Is there any remaining work to publish to crates.io...

I do not know why I spent all this morning for just open a unix socket, anyway, the full example ported from TcpListener to UnixListener: ``` use bytes::Bytes; use http_body_util::Full;...

If one checks UnixStream source code, they will see that is_write_vectored is equal to true. https://docs.rs/tokio/latest/src/tokio/net/unix/stream.rs.html#982

Hyper logs debug errors for every HTTP request made to a server backed by a Unix Socket. ## Example output ``` 2023-02-03T03:44:08.141436Z DEBUG hyper::proto::h1::conn: error shutting down IO: Socket is...

This may just be a misunderstanding on my part, but hyperlocal advertises itself using (emphasis added): > Hyper is a rock solid Rust HTTP client and **server** toolkit. [...] hyperlocal...