ex4_2_cnn_cifar10_cl 실행하니 아래와 같은 에러가 납니다. 도와주세요. ``` During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/softg/PycharmProjects/test/keraspp/", line 22, in main() File "C:/Users/softg/PycharmProjects/test/keraspp/",...
Hello! Thank you for the beautiful code open. The benchmark results include DGR and RtF. However, there is no code for them. Can I get DGR and RtF codes for...
When I run 'python3', I got errors after batches 5000 as logs below. Should I make ./save/copy_task/NTM directory? > batches 4900, loss 0.00113704 > [[ 1. 1. 1. 1....
I got an error when I run 'python'. I think, it occurred because there is no data folder . Could you explain how to get omniglot dataset and set...
I got an error when I run --mode test. First, I learn NTM with this command > python3 --rnn_num_layers 3 --rnn_size 64 --max_seq_length 10 --memory_size 20 --memory_vector_dim 8...
When I run 'python3 --rnn_num_layers 3 --rnn_size 64 --max_seq_length 10 --memory_size 20 --memory_vector_dim 8 --vector_dim 4' , I got an error about argument converting. So, I added "type=int," or...
According to, there should be docker_compose_gpu directory. Please make docker_compose_gpu or modify
Hello. I tried to run launch with ARM as a method instead of C2FARM. `python method=ARM rlbench.task=take_lid_off_saucepan rlbench.demo_path=/home/softgear/stepjam_ARM/my_save_dir framework.gpu=0 ` I met warnings and errors as following. How can...
Thanks for nonconformist library release. I want to connect my regression(LSTM) model in TensorFlow to this nonconformist's IcpRegressor. How can I do this?
Hello. I have many bitmap images, about over 100000. When I apply the many bitmaps to CNN even after I resized a bitmap size to 32x32, I got an out-of-...