Steve Haynal
Steve Haynal
The MAC and IP address are hardcoded into the RTL. The Hermes has a separate serial eeprom for these. I would like to eventually use the end of the boot...
The direct audio worky by IK1XPV should be included in the main branch with Verilog parameters to enable/disable these extensions. See
It would be nice to port the HiQSDR rtl using the opencores MAC to work on this platform.
The Hermes supports VNA functionality, [HamVNA]( It would be nice to support this with the Hermes-Lite. This depends on having full-duplex working. This will also require a reflection bridge and...
To be really useful, the Hermes-Lite needs at least a 2-5W PA, TR switch and option for filters. There is much discussion on the Google group regarding this.
There are numerous warnings during the Quartus compilation flow. Many of these are easy to fix and should be fixed. Also, there are some unconstrained timing paths that can be...
Only half-duplex is implemented. The AD9866 will support full-duplex and experiments have been done. In full-duplex, the RX gain was introducing substantial noise at some low gain settings. There is...
The Hermes-Lite RTL is based on Hermes v2.5a RTL. Someone can go through the patches applied to the Hermes RTL and apply the same to the Hermes-Lite RTL to bring...
An ASMI interface in the RTL is used by HPSDRProgrammer to program the flash EEPROM over ethernet. When porting the RTL to the BeMicro CV's Cyclone V, the new Cyclone...