Steve Haynal
Steve Haynal
Look at the YouTube videos of Chuck aa0hw: In particular His use of Jack and KXStudio is exactly along the lines of what I'd like...
Hi, Yes, this seems possible. Do you want to take a crack at it? The file: would have to be updated to send the correct code to the HR50...
Currently the HL2 supports the AH4 tuning protocol. It will send RF for about 2 seconds and if the correct response is not seen on the tuner control lines, then... now uses port 1025 for sideband communication. More development/use of this port can happen.
This has been fixed by additions from N1DQ.
Appears to still be an issue.
There are build targets for half duplex now. Dynamic switching still does not exist.
This would help lower power.
Github Hermes-Lite2/firmware/sim now has tests for some of the RX chain.
Full Verilator simulation would be nice.