Ola Söder
Ola Söder
The 'Add tagtype attribute that can be passed to enum' patch needs to be adapted for GCC 10. The patch has been temporarily disabled the patch since adaptation requires in-depth...
The m68k backend has been rewritten to use the MODE_CC intermediate representation instead of the old CC0 which is scheduled for removal in GCC 11. Refer to [GCC 11 dropping...
When opening a custom screen with a backdrop window all other windows disappear. Steps to reproduce: - git clone https://github.com/sodero/InstallerLG.git - git checkout axrt_test - cd build && make -f...
Missing include guard leads to GNU getopt being used in some cases and getopt_long in others.
Suggestion: #define RETURN_OK 0 /* No problems, success */ #define RETURN_WARN 5 /* User abort */ #define RETURN_ERROR 10 /* Script error */ #define RETURN_FAIL 20 /* InstallerLG failure */...