Andrew Haust

Results 32 comments of Andrew Haust

Hi! I'm just poking around here, looking into this project and was wondering the same thing. There is some insight here:

Gotcha! I'm new to the platform and only picked it up a few days ago—I'll keep a closer eye on dev. Thanks for the speedy response!

I have thought of doing this before but I'm not sure about it. A big factor is that it falls outside the scope of branching—the only reason I provide stash...

Thank you for your diligent error reporting! I'm assuming this is a version thing again. I made a change around that stuff when switching commands for getting branches and it's...

Ah yes, I should absolutely be using `FugitiveHead()` and, generally, delegating to fugitive whenever possible. Honestly, I've pushed through these issues pretty quickly as this is the most action twiggy...

I've used your `git rev-parse --revs-only --short HEAD` for now as `FugitiveHead()` returns empty string if there are is no HEAD branch. As mentioned, I need to clean up this...

Ohhhh, yes, oops 😬, thanks for letting me know! I’d definitely rather use fugitive as I have no plans to ever drop the dependency.

First off, thanks for asking! This is nice functionality, but I'm teetering back and forth on whether or not it belongs in Twiggy. For starters, I could see people wanting...

I am definitely open to exposing such a function (and will probably do so as part of providing a way to do custom mappings, see sodapopcan/vim-twiggy/issues/21), but if you're going...

So I went ahead and exposed `TwiggyBranchUnderCursor()` because I won't have any time to work on stuff for the next few days. It's undocumented and "experimental" but it should get...