Marcos Del Sol Vives

Results 15 issues of Marcos Del Sol Vives

Hello. I wrote a while ago a tiny Python class for dealing with MFRC522 devices connected via an USB UART device with a PC (see I think it could...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check one with "x") - [ ] Bugfix - [x] Feature - [ ] Code style update (formatting, local variables) - [...

Currently, the ESlint configuration will mark constant properties on classes as errors. For example: ``` class FNV { private static readonly PRIME = 16777619; private static readonly OFFSET = 2166136261;...

FYI, in case you want to know, I've been glazing through the current cryptography a tiny bit, and I've found at least the following issues: 1. Data is not authenticated,...


## Describe the Bug The execution currently fails if using WSL and the username contains spaces. This is due to improper escaping of space characters in GitExe and CygPathExe. ##...


This PR adds preliminary support for Double Chest inventories. The core of GlowDoubleChestInventory is GlowSuperInventory, which allows developers to create Inventory trees, that is, Inventories whose changes are delegated to...

PR: Ready To Pull

Somehow, the following code works correctly on Bukkit, and not on SportBukkit: ``` java world.playEffect(entity.getLocation(), org.bukkit.Effect.SMOKE, 1); ``` The effect should have a different direction based on the last parameter....

This PR makes pushd and popd silent, uses log_\* everywhere for improved visibility of errors, and uses wget if curl is not available (curl still has priority over wget). Also...

Current code is causing compilation errors in Debian bookworm. Replacing `std::memcpy` with just `memcpy` (as the rest of the memcpy calls are) fixed the issue. ``` In function ‘void...