Matt Greenfield

Results 55 comments of Matt Greenfield

New optional block properties on `MGBoxProvider`: ``` smalltalk @property (nonatomic, copy) MGBoxAnimator appearAnimation; @property (nonatomic, copy) MGBoxAnimator disappearAnimation; @property (nonatomic, copy) MGBoxAnimator moveAnimation; ``` ``` smalltalk typedef void (^MGBoxAnimator)(id box,...

There is a good chance of the demo app getting updated to show this, yes. It's high on my todo list. But I can't say when that'll happen. `SGPadPerformerCell` is...

> It's been a pleasure to use so far. I have the above implemented and everything is working great. @m4rcoperuano Great to hear! > The only issue that i'm having...

Possibly you could just adjust the width instead of width and height. Although the multiline rows wouldn't neatly reflow. I think this could be classed as a bug, because multiline...

MGBox is providing a standard unmodified `UISwipeGestureRecognizer`. You'll want to configure the `direction` property: My preference would be for swipe gesture recognisers to optionally allow multiple swipe directions. I...

An idea that just occurred to me, and that hasn't been thought out at all, so might be really stupid, is that all the gesture and tap handlers could be...

Interesting problem! My first instinct would be to put it into MGLayoutManager. In the animation block in layoutBoxesIn:withSpeed:completion:, after final positions are set, you then will know the final location...

I've already got `:set mouse=a` in my .vimrc. I don't think XVim2 is looking at it.

I think this is a more general problem of visual select with mouse being broken. It looks like the mouse selection isn't initiating command mode.

I had used submodules for a bunch of projects before CocoaPods became popular. But they became increasingly troublesome in terms of making sure the submodules were updated, in the correct...