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Can I freeze the contentOffset while doing layoutWithSpeed?
I'm adding/removing items from the MGScrollView, but I'd like to keep the scroll view 'locked' on the currently visible view or equivalent contentOffset while this is happening.
e.g. say I have a scrollView with 10 boxes, each 100px tall, and I'm at contentOffset {0,500} (i.e. I'm scrolled to the 6th box):
I insert another box somewhere at the top of the list:
[scrollView.boxes insertObject:box atIndex:1];
[scrollView layoutWithSpeed:1.0 completion:nil];
I want the user to see nothing happen, and contentOffset should now be {0, 600} i.e. adjusted for the new item.
What I've tried:
- Setting this in the layoutWithSpeed:completion: block. It looks bad because the new item shifts everything down and then it movies back at the end
- Setting an animation to happen at the same time (both with UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState and without). This doesn't seem to work at all
- Calling [scrollView layout] in an animation block. This also doesn't seem to work.
Interesting problem! My first instinct would be to put it into MGLayoutManager. In the animation block in layoutBoxesIn:withSpeed:completion:, after final positions are set, you then will know the final location of the item in question, and can adjust the offset within the same animation block.