Results 10 comments of Michael F.

@myrho can we close this?

it would also be cool to have an abort button.

We have created two examples how the new api simplified api could look like. Decision is outstanding. We feel that this is going to be a bigger issue. Examples can...

Note: The quicklock backend already supports this kind of search. We just have to integrate and think about auth.

Some additional ideas of how to link the dashboard with collab. 1. Open transactions in collab -> to do advanced filtering, storing 2. Open neighbors in collab

Added links to open notebooks in colab to our api tutorial (

The problem with the other workflows is currently passing the api key and the tx_hash/address/entity id to the notebook. The closest think is providing a form input ( where users...

Not high prio. User tags can be exported with the graph export. Postpone

@myrho is this still an issue after our last changes?

@behas in theory this is possible (rest interface supports multiple tagstores) but there is no use chase i know of so far.