想问一下问题1, 很长的`option.label`,有解决方案或者workaround吗
fixed. 1. in repo root folder: `pnpm i && pnpm build` 2. use example/react-router as an example: `pnpm -C examples/react-router/ run dev`
> could you show the full error? > > also if you're using tauri v2, you can just set the vibrancy effect in tauri.conf.json under `app > windows > windowEffects`...
any update?
> Hi, thanks share great library. > > I have to use the server-sent event client that to requests non-GET method and request body. But It seems to me that...
@tisfeng 我试了一下第一个逆向,是可以跑通的。我之后添加一下deepl的web翻译功能。 另外想问一下我看目前代码里面各个公司的翻译功能都是需要API key/secret的,但是我从商店下载后好像没有配置这个也可以使用,这是为什么呀?
> @so2liu 你好,请问怎么样了? @tisfeng 目前只理解了一下现有的代码,还没搞,打算今天搞,周末有点儿忙。一定开搞的,请放心
@tisfeng 哈喽,我是前端出身,对raycast也很喜欢,有兴趣参与维护。我的微信号是so2liu
@tisfeng 好的(我在X上默默follow了一波) 你可以把你想要的issue建出来,我来实现下。我看我没权限建issue