Right, it also makes it harder to hack using shell script. This is a pretty common pattern to add extra layer of security to config files. If you need to...
Now that JS side of image upload is functional, some practical details: How to create path to image? 2 dirs: orig, web 1) Save orig 2) Resize : if does...
This will be done in PR3 when Intl extension is used.
the value of _id will be like en_US, fr_FR .... First it will be easy to just get all supported languages: just select all from I18N - only get _id...
What if we do one select where locate $in 'user's locate', 'no-locale-lang', 'default lang'. Then merge these 3 and that's our array! Put it into user's session and reuse! Can...
Partially done. Deleted don't show in default Viewequestions controller but now just need to write separate controller to view deleted questions. It should check that Viewer has that permission or...
This is where _queue is defined: lib/client/request-queue/index.js Line 23 **_queue: new Set()**
Just keep my name as the author, if you add your own modifications you may of cause add your name too, but it's important to me that my name is...
Sorry guys. The reason it was removed from chrome apps is because Google requested that developers make some changes to extensions when some API changed on Google side. I'm afraid...