Results 9 comments of James

@TueCN Thanks so much for this :clap:

> For running Android or iOS you need to set in .spinrc.js builders.ios.enabled and/or field true. For someone who's never used spinjs before I'm struggling with this one... it's...

Some documentation would be good too.... e.g. no idea what options can be passed to the gulp plugin without going through the source code.

I think you can put the css file in `./static` and then the recipe should work?

Same problem here. I have a scrollable text container inside a slide. Trying to scroll inside that container just scrolls to the next slide. I added the `scrollable` class to...

**Folder structure:** ``` /node_modules /src ⊢ coffescript | ∟ ⊢ stylus | ∟ main.styl ∟ jade ∟ index.jade /webpack.config.js / /package.json ``` **** ``` CleanWebpackPlugin = require "clean-webpack-plugin" ExtractTextPlugin...