
Results 243 comments of snowie2000

Registry mode is getting bad for newer Windows versions. For old versions before Windows 10, they are acceptable. Unfortunately, the poll can't be edited. I can't add another entry to...

In theory, it's a more "natural" way to inject DLLs. No external thread is created for remote processes, which is sometimes anti-malware friendly. The time of loading in registry mode...

It's actually causing boot failures for some system. And although it can be disabled in the safe mode, not everyone knows the way to enter safe mode under windows 10...

> Well, maybe I underestimated the reg problem, especially with Bug10. > > > > New proplem is hardware related, as for exclusion list I have hunderds of exes on...

Actually, the registry mode still works even with the latest release (not published yet), you just can't enable it by simply click and go in the wizard. A detailed guide...

我嘗試在process explorer中切換到Noto sans CJK後,Windows直接送了我一個BSOD ![FC60139831CCB28790178B5CB08148F4]( 所以Windows系統應當是存在一些對可變字體的支援問題,不過後來重啟後就無法再現了 不過我也發現MacType對可變字體的支援存在問題,不管選擇什麼粗細結果都是一樣的細,需要更多調查才行。


