
Results 18 issues of SnoopProject

Found this package in the Termux repository. The problem is that there are no examples in the readme (in -help it is not clear enough how to parse the url,...


``` import time from rich.console import Console console = Console() print("Great_Rich") with console.screen(): console.print("Banner") time.sleep(2) for i in "Text": time.sleep(0.04) print(f"\033[31;1m{i}", end='', flush=True) print("\n\n exit") ``` screen windows 10

Needs triage

More informative (for example, this is how sports applications on gadgets are calculated). ![1]( At the moment, there is a total count of activities. Add breakdown by year.

Works if there is one file in the directory. Doesn't work, there are 3 files in the directory. `create_poster --type circular` > Creating poster of type circular with 2 tracks...

In the general statistics, display the "average distance between points" parameter. Calculated by the formula: distance (m) / number of points. This parameter displays the track detail well. For example,...

1. I used my NASA account without it. However, the heights are not loading (just an infinite wait). Reproduce the problem: download the attached track (because it is in this...

### The essence of the problem Open "Aves". Take a screenshot. The gallery should update and the screenshot should appear in "Aves". Does not update automatically. Try updating the gallery...

collection model

In Debian 10, by default in GnuPG, the CLI utility: gpg generates a key pair (RSA/DSA) and nothing more. ![gpg_debian10]( I checked the `$ john/run/gpg2john gpg_key.asc` #The hash is retrieved...


There is an emoji setting in the settings, but there is no way to disable the swipe on the "enter" button, which causes these same emoji. Frequent random swipes activate...


I have a watch that writes metrics: GPS and heart rate (but not altitude). Reproducing the problem when GPSPrune removes (apparently unintentionally) the pulse from the gpx track. 1. Open...