Carter Snook

Results 48 comments of Carter Snook

#48 might make this easier to deal with as we could just remove the caching capabilities from the base behavior and people could choose to use plug to load the...

Maybe even export a function named `attach` which takes in a `Deno.DynamicLibrary` and then creates the object with the methods generated from the bindgen and returns it. Then, we could...

IMO it would be fine to instead just replace the ```ts import FOO from "./bar.json" assert { type: "json" } ``` with ```ts const FOO = JSON.parse(/* contents of "./bar.json"...

> Just to point out, private fields not "ES6". They are technically not even part of the standard yet. It is expected they will be part of ES2022. Oh, thanks...

Hmm, from looking at it seems we don't use buffered IO and it is piped through stdin to JS and then written. Would it be possible to have Zig...

Hello, I have tried disabling all of the pertinent extensions all extensions except the Zig one and the problem still persists. I am not sure how to use zls as...

> Well, I think the notion here is that we would like to have starters being simple for beginners and not to introduce the advanced composition API too early which...

> Can't you write a plugin for this yourself, without any changes to esbuild? Just have the plugin generate a virtual file that only re-exports some exports. Wouldn't that require...

Deno allows setting the `window.location` via a command-line argument. Would it be best to have these properties dynamically loaded if you access `Node.baseURI`, `Document.documentURI`, `Document.baseURI`, and `Document.URL` they would be...

Yeah, sorry, I am trying to understand all of this ;)