Mikel Corcuera
Mikel Corcuera
Adding on top of what @snipd-min commented, we have made the following observations on the native side: - When the issue is happening, the `timeControlStatus` is reported to be `AVPlayerTimeControlStatusPlaying`....
Hi @ankiimation, I have found a way to launch the Flutter app when starting the app through the CarPlay interface when the app is not running on the foreground. The...
Thanks for the info. I haven't yet run into many issues, as most of what I need on the CarPlay is not related to Flutter UI components. However, I encountered...
I have done the following to have the types available when using knex, based on this Stackoverflow answer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67034024/knex-js-table-infered-typescript-types > Create a directory for your custom types, (i did `src/@types`)...
Hi @vencho-mdp. After using that fix, the typings for simple select, insert and update statements work fine.