I guess you installed the package in an earlier ha version.. most comments, and my experience as well, relate to not being able to install the integration so never get...
With hacs you usually have to clear browser cache before things show up in the integration page
I have the same issue .... I first installed dyson local and that worked but I could not figure out the answers to the questions - On wifi method I...
I got the same issue today with my sky router Config entry 'Sky ADSL Router' for upnp integration not ready yet: Device not discovered: uuid:1182868f-4624-468a-8f8a-148fe50151cb::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1; Retrying in background. I had...
I got this error because I was still logged onto the dyson cloud via my app. I logged off the app and was then able to login via HA
There was a discussion in that but I don't think there was a conclusion. My own opinion is yes, only one cloud connection. I used the HA cloud integration just...
Yes - I mean HA dyson local ... Initially I had issues with installing the two integrations but a fix was made and I was then able to proceed. I...
Make sure that if you are using Dyson cloud that you are not also signed onto the Dyson app. I found issues if I used both. I installed Dyson local...
I would expect that if this were the case it would not have allowed you to log back into your phone app if you were already connected via dyson cloud...
Yes. I did the same as you in deleting the old and renaming the new .. it was just a very untidy change so decided to report as a bug....