
Results 17 comments of sndyuk

@rackdon Reproduced the error when I remove the line from in an app. Do you have the line? ```java requires transitive org.slf4j; ```

@discorpsee I think, you are right. That PR would be great! Thanks!

@Einsteinl You can use fluency for the time being which has the retry feature. `fluentd-logger` doesn't have the retry feature but the feature must be needed on logback-more-appenders. I will...

@gino A prefix for css classes is required otherwise the plugin won't work. The prefix must be unique in the all your source code since the plugin replace a string...

Does anyone watching the repo have the knowledge? Anyway, I'll close the issue in a few weeks since it doesn't the issue of the plugin.

@gino How about adding the option `classGenerator`: ```js module.exports = { ... plugins: [ new MangleCssClassPlugin({ ..., // original: original class name // opts: options of the plugin // context:...

@gino I added the new option at version 4.0.12. Please check the example bellow in the test case. It replaces class names starts with `c-*` into `c{auto generated number}`

@gino > but all the classes have 0 styles.. I think class name starts with number is invalid. > If you have a better idea how to achieve strings like...