bro never updated it ☠️ i rly wanna test commands but script section is blank is there an alternative?
woah appreciate the quick reply hope you doing well. can you please link me that? I have ps4 sav.file and I need to run a script "RPGManager.ForceEquipItemOnPlayer(GetPlayer(),"Items.PlayerSilverhandArm", true)" or something...
I know a few don't worry and why 10 people? your save editor is pretty helpful for ps4 and ps5 players not everyone owns a 4000$ pc wouldn't you think...
getting accepted into CDPR would be a game changer. I appreciate you getting back into this and I hope you get accepted. at least it's good to hear you're doing...
I figured... it's more of a command actually. PlayerSilverhandArm will be in your inventory you just have to force equip it.
my brain is fried but I'll give that link a chance much appreciated! lmao I never knew there was separate keys
yeah I'm beat. I've really tried everything, even tried to equip Johnny's hand into V's body somehow didn't work. anyhow do you accept donations?
noted. I'm available if you got a sav.dat I could import and test it out