Rolf Kristensen

Results 263 comments of Rolf Kristensen

Also think the interface should be renamed to `IRenderRawValue` (And IStringValueRenderer should become `IRenderStringValue`). Independent of the interface staying internal (or becoming public).

Then I think IRawValueRenderable and IStringValueRenderable are better.

`Layout` opens the access to `IRawValue`. And like how `Layout` allows one to handle constant-values without boxing. But since `Layout` actually knows what type it wants, then it is a...

> How would ILayoutRenderer would look like? Maybe something like this: ```c# interface ILayoutRenderer { } interface ILayoutRenderer : ILayoutRenderer { T RenderValue(LogEventInfo logEvent); } ``` But it will probably...

Yes I know the work-around (using config-variable) is working. My goal is to do it without the work-around: ```xml ```

It is intended, since all targets also includes the WrappedTarget. Instead of doing manual dispose, then you can consider this call (It will close down the targets in correct order,...

Looks like FileStream-constructor with FileSystemRights is available:

But it looks like it requires a dependency: Guess it has to be implemented in a seperate Nuget-package. Maybe fix FileTarget so it is easy override the creation of...

Consider creating this a ConcurrentFileTarget-nuget-package that depends on these packages for Net5: And then adjust the vanilla FileTarget so it is easy to override FileStream-handling and [Mutex-handling]( where...

Thinking that FileTarget should have 2 methods that ConcurrentFileTarget could override: - `Stream OpenFileStream(string filename)` - `void ArchiveFileStream(Stream openStream, string currentFilename, string archiveFilename)` Instead of FileTarget working with different FileAppenders,...