Rolf Kristensen

Results 263 comments of Rolf Kristensen

You can configure an external tool in SnakeTail that performs a delete operation of the monitored file.

Currently the line-spacing is controlled by the chosen font-style and font-size.

SnakeTail tries to perform explicit refresh of the log-file folder avoid the issue with stale network-directories: If you know of way to improve this, then please create a...

Guess you could register an external tool, that gets the line-text as input-parameter, and then it could scan for any http-links and open them in whatever browser. You could probably...

An external tool is any exe-file with some parameters. So you can run a batch-file / cmd-file using cmd.exe, or you can run a powershell-script with the powershell-exe.

So you redirect the console output to a file, and when SnakeTail is used to view this file, then SnakeTail should automatically perform coloring based on the VT-instructions? Right now...

Do you have SMB access to the files? If not where should authentication details be stored/retrieved from?

Do you create new log files for each day, so tail application has to scan regularly for new files? What is the name-convention of the file-blobs? Using sub-folders? Sounds like...

Looks like there is a primary and secondary access key to a blob-storage-account. But it is not recommended to store these keys anywhere. And they are hard to remember by...

I guess there is a difference between NetCore1 (platform) and netstandard1 (api) other platforms than NetCore1 might like the support of Netstandard1. Maybe wait one year after NetCore1 end-of-life to...