
Results 9 issues of snaill

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Package aferrandini/phpqrcode is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use endroid/qr-code instead.

``` let down = Down(markdownString: "![map](file:///Users/snaill/_WriteDownOutput/71.png)") let html = try down.toHTML() XCTAssertEqual(html, "") let down = Down(markdownString: "![map](/Users/snaill/_WriteDownOutput/71.png)") let html = try down.toHTML() XCTAssertEqual(html, "") ```

// swift-tools-version:5.1 // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package. import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "Smile", platforms: [ .macOS(.v10_15), ], products: [...

``` struct Fontawesome: View { var fa: FAType var body: some View { Text(fa.text!).font(getfont()) } func getfont() -> Font { FontLoader.loadFontIfNeeded() return Font.custom(FAStruct.FontName, size: 18) } } struct ContentView: View...


在iPhone中,播放完成后,不会继续播放,而是显示Untitled Unknown,然后不断载入中的状态。 貌似播放进度少了几秒的样子,比如- 07:58 / 08:05 在firefox上,没有这样的问题。

貌似Yii::$app->params['WECHAT']只能设置一个吧,那如果有两个号,怎么操作呢? new Application(Yii::$app->params['WECHAT']);

Thanks for your great jobs, when I use EGOTextView, I found two bugs: 1. crash when I input chinese 2. after I set FontSize, EGOTextView show default fontSize in first...