Emily Jane McTavish
Emily Jane McTavish
I added some more info here: https://github.com/OpenTreeOfLife/feedback/issues/545 You can grab the tree from: https://tree.opentreeoflife.org/opentree/default/download_subtree/ottol-id/801601/Vertebrata I tried a very simple example tree: ((Dendromus_ott254739,Malacothrix_typica_ott600700)'Malacothrix (genus in Opisthokonta) ott600707'); And it looks like...
just as a comment - while you do this might want to accept '_1 'and '_2' as read signifiers. That is how fastq-dump from the sra toolkit labels the fastq...
Yes, I will add that to the output
I didn't know it ran on linux! I have never used brew but that was because I thought it was mac only. That is helpful, I'll fix those and now...
It is possible to set the random seed, whish should give identical results. What random seed was chosen which should be printed out in your log file. But that isn't...
I added a random seed in the config on branch dev. Will add tests and merge soon.
I'll think about it... I think that I want researchers to dig into aspects of the evolutionary model themselves, in order to really get a feel for what is affecting...
Thanks so much! It makes me happy to hear you are using it, and I appreciate the PR. It'll take a look over the next few days, and merge soon!
I started taking a look at this - but the example and tests aren't running. When I clone your version and run the example I get an error. ``` $python...
Thanks for the update and sorry for my super slow replies! I'm still getting an error running the example.config ``` Simulating FASTQ readsTraceback (most recent call last): File "treetoreads.py", line...