@JulieG19, we divided this main task into two sub tasks. 3.1 Update Participant BC 3.2 Generate Report and testing 3.1 item can be done in Sprint 1. We will focus...
Yes, it is one of the existing settlement reports. But the new one that we developed in vNext and old one is not exactly the same. For instance, we added...
Hello @PaulMakinMojaloop , this report is intended for the participants. But currently only hub operator will generate this report in the admin portal and provide it to the participant like...
Thank you for your suggestion. We will update the description.
hello ko @kyaw-soe-tw , for the date time format, please refer to this updated specification file here. [Spec- DFSP Settlement Statement Report-2024May7.xlsx](
hello ko @kyaw-soe-tw , for the date time format, please refer to this updated specification file here. [Spec- DFSP Settlement Statement Report-2024May7.xlsx](
@JulieG19, one of TW team members is working on this ticket already. As it can be done during Sprint 1, could you please add it the Sprint 1? Thank you.
@JulieG19 , yes TW team member @tw-sithumyo is working on this ticket. We divided into five parts under this ticket. 1.1 CSR signing from Key Management SVC 1.2 SecureStorage (mongo,...
need to discuss with Zin and Ei for the requirement - batch closed state updating based on two situations (due to the auto batch close feature and manual close the...