Sun Myung Park
Sun Myung Park
The following (non-exhaustive) list of objects should be renamed to help users understand what the objects do/measure: - [ ] ElmIntegTotFissPostprocessor - [ ] ElmIntegTotFissNtsPostprocessor - [ ] ElmIntegTotFissHeatPostprocessor
Create a CI test for building documentation if a PR introduces changes to source code or MooseDocs markdown files. This test would automatically test whether documentation would build correctly following...
Since OpenMC does not directly provide removal cross section (REMXS) tallies, `` calculates REMXS by adding the absorption and off-diagonal scatter cross sections for each energy group. However, the scatter...
Introduce coupling compatibility between PrecursorAction and velocity vector variables from INSAD in the Navier-Stokes MOOSE module. Requires changes to the following objects: - `PrecursorAction` - `DGCoupledAdvection` - `CoupledOutflowBC` - `PostprocessorCoupledInflowBC`...
Fixes #183. Fixes #265. ## Description `PrecursorAction` allows users to define their velocity values for delayed neutron precursor advection using constants, mathematical functions, or MOOSE variables. However, using velocity functions...
The PrecursorAction action object for setting up delayed neutron precursor modeling parameters currently only works for CONSTANT order precursor variables. Higher order variables would improve the solution resolution on the...