Sun Myung Park
Sun Myung Park
Hi @gridley . Yea I also can't think of cases when ```computeQpConcentration``` would be useful. MOOSE provides better alternatives for scaling. I'll probably make a PR for this when I...
I'm working towards implementing and demonstrating this model for MSFRs modeling. I noticed that @lindsayad had already coded much of the work in the ```INSMomentumKEpsilon``` and ```INSK``` kernels (although ```INSK```...
With the initial setup implemented in #181, the remaining tasks are: - [x] Deploying the website to be accessible online (addressed in PR #199) - [x] Adding a link to...
Yea we should move away from using `sss2_input` since we're adding support for OpenMC-generated cross sections. Having `gtransfxs_inverted = True` for SCALE could be misleading because the `gtransfxs` term originates...
Unfortunately, there's no official guide for their deprecation system. I'm not too familiar with it either. I found an example which could be useful. The MOOSE team transitioned from calling...
Thanks for the heads up! The `p` parameter is easy enough to replace. The transition to `Eigenvalue` executioner will require more manhours because we'd have to change our Action files....
Oh I initially misunderstood you but I get what you mean now. Thanks for clarifying!
@cticenhour Is `InversePowerMethod` no longer deprecated? I noticed that the CIVET deprecation tests are passing, and there are some open issues about the new Eigenvalue executioner (e.g.,
Thanks for the update. We'll track the eventual transition to `Eigenvalue` with #177.
I need to address nathan's comments and rerequest reviews. I'll get on it this week