Smruti Padhy
Smruti Padhy
Currently, we do not support deletion of instruments or experiment plans. Do we required or want to support deletion of these resources? If yes, how do we support it and...
The form may not be filled on the same day as the experiment may not complete. The partially filled form needs to be saved and later it should be pulled...
While collecting data based on an experiment plan, the status of the activity needs to be saved for keeping track of the plan execution. That is if data collected for...
Allow user to import/export an experiment plan to share it with the team members
Once a form is filled up and saved, the user should able to see the data entered in a form in display mode later point of time without allowing editing
Convert data in CSV formats to NIDM for data in
In the instrument planner, it would be great if we could drag a field that is low on the list (eg. Zipcode Field) to the bottom of the designer without...
It would be great to be able to drag and drop sessions in the same way we can move around the items around within / between sessions!
Once the data is collected, the user should able to choose the fields and export data into csv format