so I have a prefab A containing sub prefab B. I place A in an empty scene with script in the root object, have it only do blaked lighting with...
Including the level did not seem to help.
and it is built-in renderer*
I just tested a build of just this prefab A placed in that empty level, and the same behavior is happening so I don't think it is related to the...
I side-by-sided it with a build where the lighting wasn't built at all, and it does seem only the Standard shader is affected.. Other objects in the scene with different...
I think I've narrowed it down to an existing realtime-only directional light (in addition to the baked-only realtime light) in both scenes. In the editor, these objects, even though they...
Switching to another shader that wraps Standard works. I don't know why, but at least I am unblocked
I'll try to repro in 2021.1 with a simple cube prefab
So I narrowed this down further. It appears there was a bug in just 2019.X versions where detail albedo secondary masks for a material will get stripped in the build...
I spoke too soon. It appears if I do a normal bake and load the scene with this prefab, the detail mask is kept in the built game. Only if...