Steve K
Steve K
How odd, because you can't reduce data without this information!
This needs addressing for data provenance and quality assurance reasons.
Whilst testing MantidWorkbenchNightly-6.7.20230816.1558 to re-test for @rbauststfc I have noticed a small bug in the metadata reporting. The commanded reduction was:  But the CanSAS1D output file reported: ...
This is what LOQ looks like (the correction on the low-angle detector at 4m, in blue below, is negligible and flat, but more pronounced on the high-angle detector at 0.5m)....
Two differences between SANS2D/ZOOM and LARMOR: 1. On SANS2D/ZOOM the tubes are horizontal, on LARMOR they are vertical; 2. How the detectors are 'built' in the respective IDF's are different:...
I've just tried SANS2D_tubes in 6.8.0, 6.5.0 and 5.0.0 on W10/x64. The same (incorrect) output from each.
Which is indeed my suspicion, @SimonHeybrock ...
With thanks to @dehoni, see:, Section 5.5, Section 4.2
Thanks for investigating @robertapplin , @rbauststfc and @RichardWaiteSTFC . We were unaware of the `Maintain Aspect Ratio` option. The SANS2D detectors are also approximately square so maybe there is a...
Just testing Instrument View on W10/x64 with Mantid 6.10.0 I can sometimes* get the CylindricalY view I expect, so from that perspective I will close this ticket. *and raise some...