Spencer Smith
Spencer Smith
For symbols that consist of multiple characters, like min, max, MINFRACT, etc, when they are rendered in LaTeX equations they would look better in an \mbox. Rather than LaTeX interpreting...
Discussion about the differences between TMs (Theoretical Models), GDs (General Definitions), IMs (Instance Models) and DDs (Data Definitions) come up all the time when working with Drasil. I've created this...
The GlassBr example (SRS) unfortunately is not explicit that the context for the problem is for glass windows in buildings. This information should be added to the GlassBr case study.
The agenda for this coming week is as follows: 1. Sam update 2. Jason update 3. Ting-Yu update 4. Peter update (discuss supervisory committee and committee meeting) 5. Dong update...
Although issue #1599 can be closed because the feedback from when that issue was created has been addressed, a discussion of the website during meeting #3038 highlighted that a more...
1. Rationale - attached to every scope decision, modelling decision, assumption and data constraint - required for overriding and assumption - rationales can be overridden - generic theories will likely...
The generated Python code is not [PEP8](https://peps.python.org/pep-0008/) compliant. There aren't too many problems though. Running `flake8` finds errors related to the number `#` leading block comments, line length and whitespace....
Most of what we call acronyms in the generated Drasil documents are actually initialisms. ([Acronyms are pronounced as words and initialisms are pronounced letter by letter](https://www.stylemanual.gov.au/grammar-punctuation-and-conventions/shortened-words-and-phrases/acronyms-and-initialisms)). It isn't a big...
Create an inventory of the spaces, symbols and units we actually use. @JacquesCarette suggested in meeting #3496 that tools Jason has created can be used to spit out cases where...
As for #3519 and #3517 we might wish to split this issue into three separate issues.