Spencer Smith
Spencer Smith
@cd155, thank you for linking this issue to the addition of NewDEModel. Does NewDEModel also include information on [initial values](https://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/classes/de/definitions.aspx)? The general solution for the ODE will introduce unknown constants....
@cd155, as we discussed in our meeting (#2957), the initial time (often t = 0) and initial values are necessary to find a particular solution for an ODE. Without the...
Yes, I agree.
Good idea! Yes, we could use the knowledge package to make links and hyperlinks automatic. This markup wouldn't come for free with the html version, but I'm sure there would...
This issue is related to #1153.
I think we can likely close this issue, since we have a [citation file](https://github.com/JacquesCarette/Drasil/blob/master/CITATION.cff). However, we'll wait until we've discussed it in [next week's meeting](https://github.com/JacquesCarette/Drasil/discussions/2950).
During our discussion (#2956), we decided to not close this issue until we have a proper paper on Drasil that we can cite. The citation file lets us cite the...
Thank you for the info @balacij. Very helpful as always! Yes, I would want the theory for the conservation of thermal energy to also be updated for SWHS. We want...
I'm sure that everyone on this thread already knows this, but the problem of different design choices requiring different inputs is going to come up in other instances. Here we...
The version with an analytical solution would look very similar to the current [version](https://jacquescarette.github.io/Drasil/examples/nopcm/SRS/srs/NoPCM_SRS.html#Sec:IMs). In the previous terminology (not using the refinement of theories approach we are currently working on),...