Spencer Smith
Spencer Smith
@balacij, I'm also in favour of both of these ideas. If we take (1) seriously (that is, if we improve on what I wrote as guidance notes to the 741...
Whether how you define the local constants is a good approach is a question for @JacquesCarette. However, from a usability point of view, this solution seems usable and simple to...
@balacij I'm fairly sure that nothing new came up in the meeting. I don't remember the details, but I also don't remember that feeling of "now we got it!". I...
This looks like a great analysis to me @bmaclach. I do not have a specific response, since this is more under the expertise of @JacquesCarette. However, my instinct is to...
Thank you @bmaclach for the additional clarification. I definitely didn't intend to say that we should drop the idea of code optimizations. I was more trying to make the point...
I don't think you need me for this meeting, but I would like to attend, if I am available. I'm booked for the 11am slot, but available at 1:00 pm.
Having our Makefiles more easily modifiable by the users makes sense to me. In our last meeting (#3396) @balacij also mentioned the recent trend of using virtual environments for Python....
@harmanpreet-sagar also uses Windows, so may have something to add to the discussion. Thank you for creating this issue @balacij. I agree that we shouldn't have two different recommendations in...
Thanks for recording this @samm82. Yes, @samm82 this is a good idea. Examples and the associated typical values are part of the knowledge associated with a problem. If we capture...
I've added this issue to our agenda for Monday (#3730) under the topic of the redesign of chunks and attributes. @NoahCardoso for the meeting it would be great if you...