Spencer Smith
Spencer Smith
The output being a sequence of real numbers makes sense, but I don't understand the output of Scipy. If the output is a function, then shouldn't it be the function...
I'll have a look at Chapter 3 soon. As far as which commits to highlight the changes, you just list them all. :-)
Feedback on Chapter 3 is available in cb47623de. For adding output type information to Chapter 3, as mentioned in my comments on the pdf, I suggest you look at the...
@peter-michalski for your example of code being higher level than the SRS, you are correct if the code generates the SRS. However, for this example, you should probably also think...
Yes, I agree that `Blask` should be `Blast`.
Sounds good @peter-michalski. We will likely also need to do some writing about the design, in addition to the diagram.
This looks like a good start @peter-michalski. To help with reading the figures, please add an explanation of the meaning of the arrows.
@JacquesCarette and @balacij are the experts, but I find the abstraction level used here seems appropriate to me. I think it will help people understand what is going on better...
@cd155 in the above you say: "The **X** here is the dependent variable and **its derivatives**, it is not just dependent variables. If we have two dependent variables, the X...
@cd155, I thought you were describing the canonical form for a system of first order ODEs. From your explanation above, I see that you are discussing the representation of the...