Ed Smith
Ed Smith
This only appears on my OS/X installation. It's fine on Windows.
Thanks. I'm on it. Unfortunately, I'm being blocked by this issue: https://github.com/skyronic/crudkit/issues/40
Block from Issue #40 resolved-- I continued using windows.
Thanks, but the solution isn't very clear. I tried passing FALSE to every call to libxml_disable_entity_loader(). I also ran composer update. What do I need to do?
Apparently Symfony 2.5, which this app uses, is no longer supported. I'm going to attempt to get this working with the 2.7 components.
I was never able to get this working with either 2.7 or 2.3, but I traced the problem to XliffFileLoader.php in symfony/translation. I just commented out lines 112-114. I make...