We asked the same to Spacy, and they had a response for us. https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/issues/3841
> Hi @smiles3983, so if I'm understanding this correctly, you'd like to have something like a `Predictor.from_bytes()` method? Yes that would be great! Does it exist and I’m just not...
Yeah, not sure our team will be able to do it, unless they want to do it from home on their own time :). Dont think we can clone outside...
It looks like torch has the ability to load with io.bytesIO. We will be pulling our model from an S3 bucket using s3.get_object(). So if we can convert that to...
I just submitted this same request.
> it's easy to do with the View Job Filters plugin: https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/View+Job+Filters yeah, but will this filter out what I see in the Build Monitor Plugin?