Steven Meisler
Steven Meisler
Update: It turns out that in one scan has a different voxel resolution (3X3X3.3) than the other acquisition, and the subjects who do not have that scan are the ones...
I get the same error after adding a `-t` argument to limit to a single task, using the same work directory. My workaround is to create "single-subject single-task" BIDS datasets...
Hi @dmd, I work around this by creating mini BIDS directories consisting of single subjects and single tasks, and then passing that in as the BIDS root directory. That is,...
@hannahleechoi Error code 137 is due to insufficient memory. How much RAM are you devoting to the process (and over how many CPUs)?
Hi @Larmarbar, `qsiprep-docker` is a wrapper around `docker run`. So, in your `qsiprep-docker` command, if you specify a work directory with `-w`, it is renamed to `/scratch` in the actual...
Hi @Larmarbar, what makes you think it is being ignored? Both of the `docker run` commands in your original post are using your filter file, mapped in the container to...
Hi @mattcieslak, Finally returned to this after a year or so and got something working. Here is a summary of changes: 1) `use_sift` now takes as input "1" or "2"...
> 2\. iFod2 now has a `sift_tracks` output_spec for SIFT1 outputs. I see now that this would be an issue for using the SIFT outputs for other workflows (e.g., PyAFQ),...
@mattcieslak do you think it could make sense to have SIFT1 become a separate entity from the tractography workflow? That way, in theory one could run whole brain tractography, use...
I believe it was resolved