Steven Meisler
Steven Meisler
I mounted my local version of `fsr-checkxopts` (from FS6) to the container and it appears to be progressing.
This may be because, in a similar fashion, `getfullpath` is not in the docker container, but may be called by FreeSurfer.
Not directly answering your question, but if you have multishell data, why not use the multi-shell multi-tissue (MSMT) pipeline? While typical DTI tensors tend to get wonky at high b-vals...
Hmmm, the command is being generated and executed without error, but only the un-sifted tractogram is ultimately output, and under the sift name. I think I confused output_node vs ds_tck_file,...
1) Yes, for qsirecon to run , `--recon-spec` must be specified 2) That error doesn't actually seem to be a problem, since it comes after the last step of preprocessing...
I tried changing the `mapping_definition` to `None`, but I am still left with a very sparse tractogram (Original 10M streamlines, `tcksift` to 2.5M streamlines, AFQ version has 3900 streamlines). As...
Below. No apparent errors. ``` WARNING:py.warnings:The ability to pass arguments to BIDSLayout that control indexing is likely to be removed in future; possibly as early as PyBIDS 0.14. This includes...
The data for one subject may be found here: For the result I described in my last message, I was sure that I input the HCP preprocessed DWI image,...
Thanks, I appreciate the update!
To clarify, this is more of a PyAFQ issue than it is QSIPrep, but I have had this issue of sparse tractograms and segmentations with both QSIPrep processed data (google...