Gerard de Brieder

Results 12 comments of Gerard de Brieder

If anyone else is looking for this, I found there is support provided by the absinthe library itself. A nice write up can be found here : After implementing...

I second this as we use graphql-code-gen to generate our schema and types.

As soon as I've found some time, I'll certainly will look at that :)

That sounds like something that would fit nicely in the lib indeed. So yes, if you would like to integrate it, then I'd be happy to include it :D

Hi, Sorry for the slow response, slipped my mind :/ Yes, a PR to override the cloud name would be fine :) Gerard.

Hi @nathanl, Wondering if this is still something you would like to change or need ? Gerard.

That would be a nice solution indeed. I came here looking for the exact same thing.

Any blocking issues for this that prevent the merge? It would solve the problems I currently have as well :)

👍 I would love to have proper source maps for indented sass

Keeping my eye on this @danez , 6.0 is looking great so far :)