
Results 27 issues of smaug----

The spec says "A type that is not a buffer source type must not be associated with the [AllowShared] extended attribute." and "The buffer source types are ArrayBuffer, DataView, and...

topic: arraybuffer 14.5.3 waits for some random(?) task to 'process response'. But 'process response' links just to fetch itself being an option algorithm, and it wasn't provided when fetch was called.

topic: navigation

Currently there is 1. Move the pop-up to the top layer, and remove the UA display:none style. 2. Fire the show event, synchronously. I'd expect show event to be cancelable...


Mixing sync and async event dispatch is error prone. If one removes a popup from dom (that triggers async hide) and then adds it back and opens the popup, there...


I was looking at a slow (cross) browser addon code, and one thing they need to do is to figure out when new input elements have been added to the...

needs concrete proposal

HighlightPointerEvent extends PointerEvent and the explainer says: "When a user performs a pointer action on part of an element containing a highlighted Range, a HighlightPointerEvent object must be fired" In...


If stays as the element, and when currentTarget == target, that is supposed to be AT_TARGET phase. But since propagation goes through Highlight, the examples seem to hint that...


Having an attribute which value is either a string or number (from JS point of view) is rather surprising.


"resolve" doesn't hint too much what it is actually doing. One needs to read the algorithm to see what it actually returns.

...and if so, should fullscreenchange event fire? (I think xidorn didn't mean sandboxed document but iframe without allowfullscreen)